Comprehensive Guide to Azure Pipelines: Building and Releasing with Ease

Azure Pipelines is a powerful continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service provided by Azure DevOps. It enables teams to automate the build, test, and deployment processes for their applications, ensuring a streamlined and efficient development workflow. In this blog post, we will explore the key components of Azure Pipelines, including pipeline structure, agent pools, build and release pipelines, task groups, and deployment groups. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to set up and leverage Azure Pipelines to automate your CI/CD pipelines.

Pipeline Structure:

Azure Pipelines are defined using YAML files, which provide a structured way to describe the pipeline’s configuration. A typical pipeline consists of one or more stages, and each stage contains one or more jobs.

  • Stages: Stages represent distinct phases of the CI/CD process, such as Build, Test, and Deploy. Each stage executes sequentially and can have its own set of jobs.
  • Jobs: Jobs represent individual units of work within a stage. They are executed in parallel and usually consist of a set of tasks.
  • Agent: An agent is a software component responsible for running the tasks in a pipeline. Agents can be hosted in the cloud (Microsoft-hosted agents) or on your infrastructure (self-hosted agents).
  • Agent Pools: Agent pools are groups of agents that are available to run pipelines. Azure DevOps provides a default pool of Microsoft-hosted agents, or you can set up your own self-hosted agent pool for specific requirements.
  • Jobs: As mentioned earlier, jobs represent units of work within a stage. Each job runs on a single agent and can consist of multiple tasks.

Types of Pipelines: Build vs. Release:

Azure Pipelines supports two types of pipelines: Build pipelines and Release pipelines.

  • Build Pipelines: Build pipelines automate the process of compiling, testing, and packaging code into artifacts. They are triggered when changes are pushed to the repository and generate artifacts that can be used in the release pipeline.
  • Release Pipelines: Release pipelines automate the deployment of artifacts to different environments. They consist of multiple stages, each representing an environment (e.g., development, acceptance, production), and are triggered by artifacts produced in the build pipeline.

YAML pipelines vs Classic pipelines

Both YAML-based and classic pipelines offer advantages and disadvantages. The choice between them depends on the team’s familiarity with pipeline-as-code concepts, the need for version control and collaboration, and the desire for visualizations and ease of use. Teams experienced with Git and YAML will likely find YAML-based pipelines more suitable for their versioning and collaboration needs. On the other hand, teams seeking quick setup and visualizations may opt for classic pipelines.

YAML Based Pipelines (Multi-Stage Pipelines):


  1. Code as Configuration: YAML-based pipelines enable defining pipelines as code, making it easier to version control, review, and manage changes. The pipeline configuration is part of the source code repository, promoting a single-source-of-truth approach.
  2. Simplicity and Readability: YAML syntax is straightforward and easy to read, even for non-technical team members. The clear structure makes it simple to understand the pipeline flow and stages.
  3. Reproducibility: YAML-based pipelines ensure consistent build and deployment processes across different environments, ensuring reproducible and reliable results.
  4. Scalability: YAML pipelines support template reuse, enabling task groups and custom templates to be shared across multiple pipelines, enhancing scalability and maintainability.
  5. Cross-platform: YAML-based pipelines are platform-agnostic and can be used for multi-platform projects, including Windows, macOS, and Linux-based builds.


  1. Learning Curve: For teams unfamiliar with YAML or pipeline-as-code concepts, there may be a learning curve when transitioning from classic pipelines to YAML-based pipelines.
  2. Manual Editor Limitations: The Azure DevOps web-based editor for YAML pipelines may lack certain features and visualizations compared to the classic UI-based editor.
  3. Limited Visualizations: While YAML-based pipelines provide visibility into the pipeline configuration, there might be a lack of visualizations for complex pipeline structures.

Classic Pipelines (GUI-Based Pipelines):


  1. Ease of Use: Classic pipelines offer a drag-and-drop interface, making it simple for non-technical team members to create and manage pipelines without needing to understand YAML syntax.
  2. Visualizations: Classic pipelines provide a rich set of visualizations, including graphical representations of the pipeline stages and tasks, which can be helpful for quickly understanding the pipeline flow.
  3. Quick Setup: Classic pipelines are faster to set up initially, especially for teams that are not familiar with YAML or prefer a more visual approach.
  4. Built-in Wizards: Classic pipelines include built-in wizards for common CI/CD tasks, making it easy to set up continuous integration, deployment, and testing.


  1. Versioning and Collaboration: Classic pipelines lack built-in version control, making it challenging to track changes and collaborate effectively when multiple team members modify the pipeline configuration.
  2. Reproducibility: Classic pipelines may be susceptible to manual changes and configuration drift, leading to inconsistent results in different environments.
  3. Limited Reusability: Task groups and templates, which promote reusability in YAML-based pipelines, are not as easily leveraged in classic pipelines, potentially leading to duplication and maintenance challenges.

Create a classic build pipeline

To learn about the pipelines we can look at the basics of pipelines and once the concepts are clear, the same steps and configurations can be applied to YAML pipelines.

Step 1: Sign in to Azure DevOps and navigate to your project.

Step 2: In the left-hand navigation pane, click on “Pipelines” and then select “Builds.”

Step 3: Click on the “New pipeline” button to create a new build pipeline.

Step 4: Choose the source code repository you want to build. Azure DevOps supports repositories from Azure Repos Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, and others. We will use Azure Repos Git, click the “Use the classic editor“.

Step 5: Select the template for your pipeline. If you are starting from scratch, choose the “Empty job” template. If you prefer a starting point with pre-configured tasks, choose the appropriate template based on your application type and platform.

Step 6: Customize the pipeline by adding tasks. Click on the “+” icon within the agent job to add new tasks. Each task represents a specific action in the build process, such as restoring dependencies, compiling code, running tests, and packaging artifacts.

Step 7: Configure the properties for each task by specifying input parameters, such as file paths, build configurations, and test frameworks.

Step 8: Set up triggers for the pipeline. By default, the pipeline will be triggered on every commit. You can customize the trigger to suit your needs, such as triggering on specific branches, tags, or scheduled builds.

Step 9: Optionally, set up build validation to ensure that code changes are tested and built successfully before merging into the main branch.

Step 10: Save and queue the pipeline. Once you have completed configuring the pipeline, click on “Save & Queue” to save the changes and run the build for the first time.

Step 11: Monitor the build. After the build is triggered, you can monitor its progress and view the build logs to check for any errors or issues.

Step 12: Set up notifications and integrations. Configure notifications to receive build status updates via email or chat platforms and integrate with other Azure services or third-party tools as needed.

Creating a release pipeline

Let’s walk through the step-by-step process of creating a release pipeline with three stages of environment releases (Dev, QA, and Production) and configuring triggers on both artifacts from the build pipeline and the environment stages:

Step 1: Sign in to Azure DevOps and navigate to your project.

Step 2: In the left-hand navigation pane, click on “Pipelines” and then select “Releases.”

Step 3: Click on the “New pipeline” button to create a new release pipeline.

Step 4: Choose the template for your pipeline. If you prefer to start from scratch, choose the “Empty job” template. If you want to start with pre-configured tasks, select the appropriate template based on your application type and platform.

Step 5: Customize the release pipeline stages: a. Click on the “Add an artifact” button to select the build pipeline as the source of your artifacts. Choose the appropriate build definition from the list. b. Click on the “+” icon within the “Artifacts” section to add a new stage. c. For each stage (Dev, QA, and Production), click on the “+” icon within the stage to add tasks specific to that environment. For example, you may have deployment tasks to different servers or cloud environments.

Step 6: Configure triggers on artifacts: a. Click on the “Continuous deployment trigger” switch to enable continuous deployment from the selected build pipeline. b. Optionally, configure specific branch filters or tags to control when the release pipeline is triggered from the build pipeline.

Step 7: Configure triggers on environment stages: a. Click on the “Pre-deployment conditions” tab for each environment stage (Dev, QA, and Production). b. In the “Artifact” tab, click on the “+ Add” button to specify the source of the trigger. Select the build pipeline artifact you want to trigger the deployment for this stage.

Step 8: Save and create the release pipeline. a. Click on “Save” to save the changes made to the release pipeline. b. Optionally, click on “Create a release” to manually trigger a release deployment. Alternatively, if the continuous deployment trigger is enabled, a release will be automatically triggered when the associated build pipeline completes successfully.

Step 9: Monitor the release pipeline. a. Once the release is triggered, you can monitor its progress and view the deployment logs for each environment stage.

Step 10: Set up notifications and integrations. a. Configure notifications to receive release status updates via email or chat platforms. b. Integrate with other Azure services or third-party tools as needed for additional actions and notifications.

Variables and Secure Files in Library:

Azure Pipelines provides the Library, where you can store variables and secure files to be used in your pipelines. Variables allow you to define values that can be shared across pipeline stages, jobs, and tasks. Secure files store sensitive information, such as credentials, in an encrypted format.

Task Groups:

Task groups are a reusable and shareable set of tasks that can be used across multiple pipelines. They allow you to encapsulate a sequence of tasks into a single unit, simplifying pipeline configuration and maintenance.

Deployment Groups:

Deployment groups are used to define a set of target machines, such as virtual machines or Kubernetes clusters, to deploy your application. You can then target deployment tasks to these groups, allowing for centralized management of deployments.


Azure Pipelines is a powerful CI/CD service that enables teams to automate their build, test, and deployment processes seamlessly. By leveraging the pipeline structure, agent pools, build and release pipelines, task groups, and deployment groups, teams can achieve a streamlined and efficient development workflow. With the ability to automate the entire software delivery process, Azure Pipelines empowers developers to deliver high-quality applications with speed and confidence. As you explore and implement Azure Pipelines in your projects, remember to continually optimize and improve your pipelines to meet the evolving needs of your development process. Happy automating!

Azure DevOps: Handling Source Control operations with Azure DevOps and Repos

Azure DevOps provides a powerful set of features and tools for effective source control management through its Repos service. Here, we will explore the steps involved in creating a new Git repository in Azure DevOps and cloning a remote repository in Visual Studio Code.

Creating a New Git Repository in Azure Project:

To create a new Git repository in Azure DevOps, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Azure DevOps portal and navigate to your project.

Step 2: Select the “Repos” section from the left-hand navigation pane.

Step 3: Click on the “New Repository” button to create a new repository.

Step 4: Provide a name for the repository and choose the Git repository type.

Step 5: Optionally, initialize the repository with a README file or start with an empty repository.

By following these steps, you will have successfully created a new Git repository within your Azure project.

Cloning a Remote Repository in Visual Studio Code:

To clone a remote repository in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Git and Visual Studio Code on your machine if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Copy the clone URL of the remote repository from Azure DevOps. You can find this by navigating to the repository in Azure DevOps and clicking on the “Clone” button.

Step 3: Open Visual Studio Code and select “Clone Repository” from the welcome page or the “Source Control” view.

Step 4: Paste the clone URL into the input field and choose a local directory where you want to store the cloned repository. Step 5: Click “Clone” to initiate the cloning process.

Visual Studio Code will then create a local copy of the remote repository on your machine, establishing a connection between the local and remote repositories.

How to Work with Commits, Pushes, and Branches using Visual Studio Code and Git Repository:

Now, let’s explore the steps involved in working with commits, pushes, and branches using Visual Studio Code and your Git repository.


Step 1: Make changes to the files within your local repository according to your development requirements.

Step 2: Stage the changes you want to include in a commit. This can be done either by using the Git extension in Visual Studio Code or by running Git commands in the terminal.

Step 3: Provide a descriptive commit message that clearly explains the purpose of the changes.

Step 4: Commit the changes to your local repository by executing the commit command.

By following these steps, you will have successfully created a commit containing your changes within your local repository.

Creating a New Branch for a New Feature:

Step 1: Create a new branch for the feature you are working on. This can be done through the Git extension in Visual Studio Code or by executing Git commands in the terminal.

Step 2: Switch to the new branch in Visual Studio Code, ensuring that your changes will be isolated within this branch.

Adding Files in the New Feature Branch:

Step 1: Create or modify files related to the new feature you are working on within your local repository.

Step 2: Stage the changes to include them in the upcoming commit.

Step 3: Commit the changes to the feature branch within your local repository.

By following these steps, you will have added and committed the changes specific to the new feature branch.

Pushing Changes:

Step 1: Push the committed changes from your local repository to the remote repository. This can be done through the Git extension in Visual Studio Code or by running Git commands in the terminal.

Step 2: Verify that the changes are successfully pushed to the remote repository by checking the repository in Azure DevOps Repos.

Working with Pull Requests, Handling and Approving a Pull Request:

Creating a Pull Request:

  • Create a pull request to merge your feature branch into the main branch.
  • Provide a title, description, and reviewers for the pull request.
  • Review the changes, address feedback, and resolve conflicts if any.

Approving a Pull Request:

  • Reviewers examine the code changes, leave comments, and provide feedback.
  • Once the changes are reviewed and approved, the pull request can be merged into the main branch.


In this blog post, we explored source control management with Azure DevOps and Repos. We covered the steps involved in handling source control using Azure DevOps and Visual Studio Code. By leveraging Azure DevOps, teams can effectively collaborate, manage versions, and ensure a smooth development process. In the next part of this series, we will dive into the powerful CI/CD capabilities of Azure Pipelines. Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips to maximize your productivity with Azure DevOps!

Azure DevOps: Source Control Management with Git repository

Effective source control management is crucial for modern software development. In this blog post, we will explore how Azure DevOps provides capabilities for source control management and focusing on Git repositories. We will go through the Git workflow, branching strategies, and how to handle source control using Azure DevOps and Repos.

1. Understanding Source Control Management:

Before diving into Azure DevOps, let’s explore the fundamentals of source control management and the Git workflow:

1.1 Git Source Repository Workflow:

A general Git repo developer workflow would have the below flow. This can also be viewed as a decentralized source control repository workflow.

  • Developers create a repository on their Git hosting system.
  • Developers copy/clone the repository on their local development machine.
  • Developers work on their local repositories, making changes and committing them.
  • They push their commits to the remote repository to share their changes with the team.
  • Changes are reviewed through pull requests, allowing team members to provide feedback and discuss the proposed changes.
  • Once the changes are approved, they are merged into the main branch, ensuring a clean and organized codebase.

1.2 Concepts:

Some key concepts of Git as a source control management are below.

  • Commit: A commit represents a snapshot of changes made to files in a repository. It captures the changes along with a descriptive message.
  • Repositories: Repositories are containers for storing code and related files. They can be local (on developers’ machines) or remote (hosted on a server).
  • Cloning: Cloning creates a local copy of a remote repository on a developer’s machine. It establishes a connection between the local and remote repositories.
  • Pulling: Pulling retrieves the latest changes from the remote repository and updates the local copy.
  • Pushing: Pushing uploads local commits to the remote repository, making them available to other team members.
  • Branches: Branches provide a way to work on different versions of the codebase simultaneously. They allow developers to isolate changes and collaborate effectively.

2. Branching Strategies:

There are various branching strategies in Git. Let’s explore three popular strategies:

2.1 GitHub Flow:

GitHub Flow is a simple and lightweight branching strategy that focuses on fast-paced, continuous delivery. It is commonly used for projects with frequent deployments or where feature development is less complex.

  • Usage: Developers create feature branches for each new feature or bug fix. Changes are committed to the feature branch, and when ready, a pull request is opened to merge the changes into the main branch. Continuous integration and automated tests ensure code quality. Once the changes are approved, they are merged into the main branch and deployed to production.
  • Advantages:
    • Simple and easy to understand.
    • Promotes small, focused feature branches and quick iterations.
    • Enables fast and frequent deployments.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited support for long-lived or complex feature development.
    • May lead to issues with large teams or multiple concurrent features.

2.2 GitLab Flow:

GitLab Flow builds upon the principles of GitHub Flow and introduces an additional environment branch for testing and quality assurance. It is well-suited for projects that require rigorous testing before merging changes into the main branch.

  • Usage: Developers create feature branches for new features or bug fixes. Changes are committed to the feature branch and then merged into the environment branch for testing. Once the changes pass the tests, they are merged into the main branch for deployment. According to this workflow, you should have at least three branches:
    • Master: Every developer has the code from Master Branch on their development environment.
    • Staging: This is the branch where the master branch is branched into for testing purposes. There can be more environments than staging and therefore a branch for each environment.
    • Production: This is the released production code where the code is merged from the testing/staging/pre-production branch.
  • Advantages:
    • Supports rigorous testing and quality assurance.
    • Provides a separate environment branch for testing and validation.
    • Ensures a stable main branch for production deployments.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Additional overhead and complexity introduced by the environment branch.
    • Requires a robust testing infrastructure and processes.

2.3 Git Flow:

Git Flow is a branching strategy designed for projects with longer release cycles, strict versioning, and extensive quality assurance processes. It provides a structured approach to managing multiple branches and parallel development efforts.

  • Usage: Git Flow introduces two main branches: the main branch and the develop branch. The develop branch is the working branch where the current work is in progress. Feature branches are created for new features or bug fixes and merged into the develop branch. Once the develop branch is considered stable, it is merged into the main branch for release. Code from any other branches is never live and are never released to any environment, they are created temporarily and once the release is completed it can be deleted.
  • Advantages:
    • Provides a well-defined structure for parallel development efforts.
    • Supports long release cycles and version management.
    • Enables extensive quality assurance and testing before releases.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Adds complexity with the use of multiple long-lived branches.
    • Requires strict adherence to the branching model.


Choosing the appropriate branching strategy depends on the specific needs of your project, team size, release frequency, and the complexity of the development process. Agile projects with frequent deployments and small teams may benefit from GitHub Flow, which offers simplicity and rapid iterations. GitLab Flow is suitable for projects that require rigorous testing and quality assurance. Git Flow is well-suited for projects with longer release cycles and a need for version management and parallel development efforts.

It’s important to note that these branching strategies can be adapted and customized based on the unique requirements of your project. The key is to find a strategy that aligns with your development process, encourages collaboration, and ensures a stable and reliable codebase.

Azure DevOps: Agile Planning and Tracking with Azure Boards

In this part, we will explore one of the core features of Azure DevOps, Azure Boards, and its application in agile planning and tracking. Azure Boards provides a robust set of tools to support agile methodologies such as Scrum and Agile practices. In this blog post, we will delve into the concepts, features, and scenario usages of Azure Boards in the context of agile development. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to effectively plan, track, and deliver your projects using Azure Boards.

Features of Azure Boards:

Azure Boards is a powerful work tracking system that allows teams to plan, track, and discuss work across the entire development process. Let’s dive into the key concepts and components of Azure Boards:

1. Work Items:

Work items are the building blocks of Azure Boards. They represent tasks, features, or issues that need to be addressed. Azure Boards provides different types of work items, including Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Bugs. Each work item has attributes such as title, description, priority, and assigned team member. In Azure Boards, work items are organized in a hierarchy to represent different levels of granularity in the agile development process. The hierarchy typically includes the following levels:

1.1 Epics

Epics represent large bodies of work that span across multiple iterations or sprints. They are high-level features or initiatives that are too big to be completed within a single iteration. Epics provide a way to capture and track long-term goals and can be broken down into smaller, more manageable work items. In the Tailwind Traders sample project, I will add an epic with the below steps. The Epic “Shopping Experience” would involve multiple features and each feature would have multiple user stories and should be on top of the work items hierarchy.

1.2 Features

Features are intermediate-level work items that sit below epics in the hierarchy. They represent significant functionality or user requirements that contribute to the completion of an epic. Features are usually scoped to be completed within a single iteration or sprint and can be further broken down into user stories.

I have added a feature “Product reviews” which would be further defined by multiple user stories.

1.3 User Stories

User stories are the smallest, most granular work items in the hierarchy. They represent specific units of work that deliver business value. User stories are typically written from a user’s perspective and describe what a user needs to achieve with a particular feature or functionality. They capture the “who,” “what,” and “why” of a requirement. In the Product Reviews feature a user story “Product review- Verified Purchase” is added which describes “who,” “what,” and “why” of the Product reviews feature.

Please note the hierarchy of the Epic, Features and User Stories created. I have created another feature “Refund Items” and “Refund payments” user stories related to the Epic.

1.4 Tasks:

Tasks represent the smallest units of work within a user story. They break down user stories into actionable items that team members can work on. Tasks often include specific actions, steps, or sub-tasks required to complete a user story.

1.5 Bugs:

Bugs are work items that represent defects or issues found during development or testing. They capture information about the problem, its impact, and steps to reproduce it. Bugs are typically prioritized and addressed alongside user stories to ensure high-quality software delivery.

1.6 Issues:

Issues are similar to bugs and represent problems or challenges that are not necessarily related to defects. They can include technical debt, design issues, or other concerns that need to be resolved. Issues help track and address non-defect-related work items within the development process.

1.7 Test Cases:

Test cases represent the specific scenarios or conditions that need to be tested to ensure the quality of the software. They outline the steps, expected results, and any additional test data required to validate the functionality. Test cases are associated with user stories and can be executed and tracked to verify that the implemented features meet the specified requirements.

2. Backlogs:

The backlog is a prioritized list of work items that need to be completed. It provides a centralized view of all the work to be done. Teams can manage their backlogs and prioritize work items based on business value and urgency. Backlogs in Azure Boards provide a central repository for managing work items. There are two types of backlogs: the product backlog and the sprint backlog.

Product Backlog: The product backlog contains all the work items that represent the requirements and features to be implemented in the product. Epics, features, and user stories are organized and prioritized in the product backlog based on their business value and priority. You can see in the below example the order of the user stories is defined according to their priority and business value. The view can be changed and the order of the Epics, features, user stories can be viewed and changed to manage the product backlog.

The work items can be dragged and dropped to their respective hierarchy and the order, assignment and other values can also be changed.

Sprint Backlog: The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog. It contains the work items selected for a specific sprint or iteration. During sprint planning, the team selects user stories and breaks them down into tasks for the upcoming sprint. The sprint backlog represents the committed work for that sprint. In the Sprints -> Backlog view you can see all the work items related to the current iteration.

3. Boards:

Boards in Azure Boards provide visual representations of work items and their progress. There are two main types of boards: Kanban boards and task boards. Kanban boards provide a visual workflow where work items move across different stages (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). Task boards are used for tracking individual tasks within a work item. Depending on the process selected on the project the Task board will show the process states. In our case for Agile, tasks would be in one of the states i.e., “New, Active, Resolved, Closed”.

On the boards view, work items are displayed as cards, with each card representing a specific work item. The cards typically include information such as the work item title, assigned team member, and status. Team members can interact with the cards by updating the status, adding comments, or attaching relevant files.

The tasks and sprint would be managed from the Task Boards on a daily basis and the tasks can be moved to closed when the “definition of done” is reached. Please note that issues and bugs can be moved to resolved. Issues/Bugs can be opened in an iteration, and they are not mandatory part of an epic, feature or user story.

By utilizing the hierarchy of work items and leveraging the backlogs and boards view in Azure Boards, teams can effectively plan, prioritize, and track their agile development work.

4. Queries

Queries provide a flexible and powerful way to filter, sort, and analyze work items in Azure Boards. With queries, you can define criteria to retrieve work items based on various fields, such as work item type, state, assigned user, tags, and more. Queries can be saved, shared, and used to create charts, track progress, and generate reports.

Creating and Running a Query

To create and run a query in Azure Boards, follow these steps:

Access the Queries Hub: From the Azure DevOps portal, navigate to the “Boards” tab, and select the “Queries” option from the left-hand navigation pane. This will take you to the Queries Hub.

Create a New Query: Click on the “New Query” button to create a new query. Provide a name and optionally add a description to define the purpose of the query.

Define Query Criteria: In the query editor, define the criteria for your query by selecting fields, operators, and values. For example, you can filter work items based on their state, assigned user, or specific tags.

Refine Query: Use logical operators such as AND, OR, and parentheses to refine your query and create more complex filtering conditions.

Save and Run Query: Once you have defined your query criteria, save the query. You can then run the query to retrieve the matching work items.

By running this query, you will retrieve ANY work item assigned to the specified team member.

Once a query is executed, the results will be displayed in the query results view. From here, you can take various actions on the retrieved work items, such as updating their states, assigning them to different team members, adding comments, or linking them to other work items.

Queries can be saved and shared with other team members, providing a consistent way to retrieve specific sets of work items and track progress across the team.

By utilizing queries in Azure Boards, you can gain insights, track specific subsets of work items, and create custom reports to support your agile planning and tracking processes.


In this blog post, we explored the concepts, features, and scenario usages of Azure Boards in the context of agile planning and tracking. By harnessing the power of Azure Boards, you can streamline your agile development processes, enhance team collaboration, and deliver high-quality software. In the next part of this blog series, we will dive into Azure Repos, a robust version control system provided by Azure DevOps. Stay tuned for valuable insights and practical tips to maximize your productivity with Azure DevOps!

Azure DevOps: Steps for Getting Started

Azure DevOps is a powerful cloud-based platform that provides a range of services to support the entire development lifecycle. Whether you are an individual developer or part of a large team, Azure DevOps can streamline your development process, improve collaboration, and enhance overall productivity. In this blog post, we will walk you through the initial steps of setting up your organization, team, and project in Azure DevOps. We will also cover essential project settings and provide advice on other sections you should consider exploring. This post serves as the foundation for a series of subsequent blog posts that will delve deeper into Azure DevOps features and functionalities.

Setting Up Your Organization:

The first step in getting started with Azure DevOps is to set up your organization. An organization represents the highest level of management and provides a logical container for your projects. Follow these steps to create an organization:

  • Sign in to Azure DevOps ( using your Microsoft account or organizational account.
  • Click on the “+ New organization” button.
  • Enter the required details, such as organization name, URL, and region.
  • Choose the appropriate access level (public or private) for your organization.
  • Click on “Create” to complete the organization setup.

Creating Teams:

Teams play a crucial role in enabling collaboration and organizing your Azure DevOps projects. Follow these steps to create teams within your organization:

  1. Navigate to your organization’s home page and click on “Teams” in the main menu.
  2. Click on “+ New team” and provide a name and description for the team.
  3. Specify the team’s settings, including visibility and access permissions.
  4. Optionally, add team members by entering their email addresses or selecting users from your organization.
  5. Click on “Create” to create the team.

Creating Projects:

Projects in Azure DevOps provide a centralized workspace for your development efforts. Each project can have multiple repositories, boards, pipelines, and other resources. Follow these steps to create a project:

  • From your organization’s home page, click on “New project.”
  • Provide a project name, description, and visibility level (public or private).
  • Choose a version control system for your project (Git or Team Foundation Version Control).
  • Configure the project’s settings, including work item process, project visibility, and access.
  • Click on “Create” to create the project.

Project Settings:

To ensure your project is optimized for your team’s needs, it’s essential to configure the project settings. Here are some key settings you should consider:

  • Version Control: Choose the appropriate version control system (Git or TFVC) based on your team’s requirements.
  • Work Item Process: Customize the work item types, fields, and workflow to align with your development methodology.
  • Boards: Configure agile boards, backlogs, sprints, and any additional settings that align with your project management practices.
  • Repositories: Set up repositories, branches, and branch policies to manage your source code effectively.
  • Pipelines: Define build and release pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.
  • Integrations: Connect your project to external tools and services, such as Azure services, third-party extensions, and continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) systems.

User Permissions and Security

Managing user permissions and ensuring data security are vital aspects of Azure DevOps administration. Consider the following steps:

  1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Understand the RBAC model in Azure DevOps, which defines different user roles and their permissions.
  2. Assigning Roles: Determine the appropriate roles (such as Project Administrator, Contributor, Reader) for your team members and assign them accordingly.
  3. Managing Permissions: Control access to organization, team, and project resources by setting permissions at each level.
  4. Data Security: Implement best practices to protect your data and ensure compliance with security standards.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you have successfully set up your organization, team, and project in Azure DevOps. This marks the beginning of your Azure DevOps journey, where you will unlock a plethora of features to streamline your development processes. In the next part of this blog series, we will dive deeper into agile planning and tracking with Azure Boards. Stay tuned for more in-depth insights and practical tips to maximize your productivity with Azure DevOps!